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Экономические науки
Morozova A.M. 1

1. Federal public budgetary educational institution of the higher education "Kerch State Sea Technological University"


Defining the essence of the category "productive capacity". It investigated the practical and methodological aspects of the analytical evaluation of the production potential of industrial enterprise and the conditions of its formation. It was determined that the analytical assessment of the productive capacity of the company will allow us to identify its internal potential and discover hidden reserves in order to improve its performance in the long term. It was found that the elements of the production potential of the company are: the technical component, component technology, innovative components, management, resource component. An analytical assessment of the productive capacity of the industrial enterprise in the following sequence: an analysis of production and sales, the analysis of the efficiency of utilization of labor resources, analysis of efficiency of use of fixed assets, analysis of financial results of the company. Revealed during the analytical evaluation negative factors show no consistent trends for more efficient use of productive capacities of industrial enterprises, which predetermines the need for research on the effectiveness of the problem, not only in practice but also in the theoretical aspect for determining the methodological suggestions for its improvement.

Keywords: production capacity, output, labor, fixed assets, financial performance, efficiency

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