Экономика, управление и инвестиции
Электронный научный журнал

Тематическая направленность журнала

Инвестиции и инвестиционный анализ

Анализ интеграционных процессов в экономике и управление ими

Экономическая синергетика

Экономика строительства

Экономическая безопасность

Сметное дело и ценообразование


Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит

Налоги и налогообложение

Корпоративные финансы

Контакты редакции

Издатель:                    Иванов Алексей Евгеньевич

Адрес редакции: 454080,       г. Челябинск, пр-т им. В.И. Ленина, д. 85, ауд. 580/2 

e-mail: updater.euii@yandex.ru

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2310-5887 (online)

Индексация журнала

Экономические науки
Lyaskovskaya E.A. 1, Simonyan R.Ya. 1

1. South Ural State University


The article is devoted to the methodological foundations of innovation management in educational organizations. Contradictions in the field of innovation management were revealed. The requirements for modern approaches of innovation management in the educational organization were revealed. The classification of innovation in the educational organization was made. The features of innovation management educational organization were analyzed. The system of necessary and sufficient condition for effective innovation management educational organization was offered. The relationship between the concepts of quality of education and innovation activities of the educational organization was substantiated. The importance of strategic management in the framework for the management of innovative activity of educational organization was proved. Modern methods and approaches of innovation management educational organization were revealed. Criteria of efficiency of management of innovative activity of educational organization was formulated. A multi-layer synthetic grouping of modern methods and approaches for innovation management of educational organization was developed. Keywords. Innovation, pedagogical innovations, educational organization, innovation management educational organization, methods of innovation of management of educational organization, criteria of efficiency of management of innovative ativity of educational organization

Keywords: innovation, pedagogical innovations, educational organization, innovation management educational organization, methods of innovation of management of educational organization, criteria of efficiency of management of innovative ativity of educational organization

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